Mittwoch, 25. November 2009

Sonntag, 22. November 2009

Dr. Whatson

At first I want to talk about blogger/blogspot...why shows this fucking side "new" posts to me days after they where posted? Is this some evil plan of the RLSH community to disturb our exchange of information or does this side just suck?

Okay, now to the main topic of my post:Dr. Whatson
I formed my own team of super villains:the Bag Pack
Most of them are in training right now,so they are no real villains, just minions and henchmen. But one of them showed incredible evil powers, so he became a full time Bag Packer and his name is Dr. Whatson. He started as my side kick, to help me to do evil. This guy has an eye for the detail, he noticed things I would possibly miss. He is a real enrichment to my team.
I will leave my home town in a few days because of a new job (I need the money,because you can´t get a super laser on the moon for free...) so this cell of the Bag Pack will be without a leader. Dr. Whatson will be my proxy while I build up a new cell in my new home town. He also will be the vice president of the Bag Pack, my right hand, my eyes and ears, my connection to the rabble.
I´m sure he will do well in this position,´cause if the doctor is in the house, you know what´s on...
Okay, that´s all for now, just a quick update to let you know about the newest changes over here in Germany (still RLSH free).
I´ll be bag...

Montag, 9. November 2009

short update

Good news for the evil guys, bad news for the good guys.
The old year ends in a few days and the new one is right around the corner, so it´s the perfect time to do something new. At the weekend I found three people, who want to be villains. I will take this people and turn them into the most successful henchmen I could imagine.
With this team things will change...