Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010

Surfing in the internet and save the world at the same time!

Sounds impossible?
No, it is not.
If you use forestle you can save a part of the rainforest with every search you do.
Can it be more easy? I don´t think so...

So fuck the evil empire of internet searching called "google" and use this more friendly alternative one.

Okay, that´s all for today, I have to go back to my working desk and finish project prototype. Final tests will be this weekend and if everything works right, I´ll present my new weapon of doom next week.

Montag, 1. Februar 2010


Some time ago I told you about an american supervillain who connected me, remember? (If you don´t: go and read the "hot news"-post I made last month...Done? Okay, so I can continue)
Me and this guy (I won´t tell his name, to keep his privacy) talked via e-mail about our points of view to the world. He told me of his goals. He seemed to be a pretty strange guy to me, who wants to change the world and the society.
Sounds like noble goals, but his ideas were unrealistic and a little bit weird.
I realized he took the whole supervillain thing to serious. When I say he wants to change the world, I´m not talking about he wants to enlighten us with his wisdom...he wants to get active and change the things he thinks that went wrong. We had a little discussion about forms of society in history, problems of the world we live in and stuff like that...stuff I don´t want to reproduce here word by word.
You see: not only the RLSH are a little bit over the top...

That experience lead me to the topic of my post:

I´m not serious!
This blog is fun. It´s to show how absurd the whole RLSH-comunity is. It´s the other side of the medal: freaking serious "heroes" vs. humorous "villains".

Never thought I have to post this...Thought talking about super lasers on the moon, evil scientists and mind controlling is clearly enough to be humor.
Obviously not. Sorry, my mistake...

Okay guys, hope everyone got it.
If not please leave my blog, turn off your computer and don´t come back until you´ve found your sense of humor!

That´s all for today.