Montag, 1. Februar 2010


Some time ago I told you about an american supervillain who connected me, remember? (If you don´t: go and read the "hot news"-post I made last month...Done? Okay, so I can continue)
Me and this guy (I won´t tell his name, to keep his privacy) talked via e-mail about our points of view to the world. He told me of his goals. He seemed to be a pretty strange guy to me, who wants to change the world and the society.
Sounds like noble goals, but his ideas were unrealistic and a little bit weird.
I realized he took the whole supervillain thing to serious. When I say he wants to change the world, I´m not talking about he wants to enlighten us with his wisdom...he wants to get active and change the things he thinks that went wrong. We had a little discussion about forms of society in history, problems of the world we live in and stuff like that...stuff I don´t want to reproduce here word by word.
You see: not only the RLSH are a little bit over the top...

That experience lead me to the topic of my post:

I´m not serious!
This blog is fun. It´s to show how absurd the whole RLSH-comunity is. It´s the other side of the medal: freaking serious "heroes" vs. humorous "villains".

Never thought I have to post this...Thought talking about super lasers on the moon, evil scientists and mind controlling is clearly enough to be humor.
Obviously not. Sorry, my mistake...

Okay guys, hope everyone got it.
If not please leave my blog, turn off your computer and don´t come back until you´ve found your sense of humor!

That´s all for today.

3 Kommentare:

  1. The scary thing is that you're not alone in dealing with the crazies on both sides of the villain/hero insanity.

    Does Germany have a phrase like we have here in the states "Precious little snowflakes"? A whole generation of American children were told that they are, and I quote, "unique and special, every single one a different and unique miracle, like a snowflake". These children were never told that they were wrong, only "different". If a child had a wild imagination, they were encouraged. If you told a child to be realistic, you got yelled at for "stifling creativity".

    Now America has a whole generation of young adults thinks that they can change the world if they believe in themselves hard enough.

    They literally think that they have psychic/spiritual/intellectual powers that can change reality. Why? Because they are "special", like snowflakes, and no one ever told them that their make-believe lives don't actually exist. No one ever told them that they were wrong.

    For some insight on just how insane young American adults have gotten, I'll direct you to the following articles (which have a lot of swearing and the occasional nsfw picture):

    Everyone my age knows one or two people like this.

    You probably got contacted by the crazy villain guy because no one in America wanted to listen to him anymore.

    On behalf of all Americans, we're sorry.

  2. Baghead,

    Not to say that humor isn't an effective means of communication. Mark Twain used his wit like a rapier to change thought, as did Charlie Chaplin, and Richard Pryor. This isn't a fight on the streets in costumes with fists. This is a battle for thoughts, and what better medium than the Internet. Do not discount the power of words.

    Villainy Triumphant!
    -Lord Malignance

  3. *frowns at the "blog posts now 20% off-- ask about our group discounts" sign she just painted for her site*
