Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2009


Heared of that movie?

It´s about a highschool guy who wants to be a superhero. He neither has super powers nor training nor intelligence but he has a costume and the wish to fight crime.

Sounds familiar?
Yeah, it sounds like the story of >>enter random RLSH name<< !!!

Let´s all hope ther will not be that much new guys who wants to play hero after watching that movie.
Damn, I really hope...

4 Kommentare:

  1. It is a reasonable concern, but with such movies, there are always bound to be those wishing to imitate the actions of such people. The best thing to do is wait and see.

  2. I think most RLSHs will watch it with an ironic grin. Then again, it might be cringe-worthy for them to watch on the big screen.

    Won't know until I torrent it. ;)

  3. Baghead,
    Have you been to http://reallifesuperheroes.org/ ?
    They're SHILLING the movie. If you listen, you can still hear the outraged cries over the Potentate daring to sell t-shirts for the work he created. The Heroes? They're riding the movie for self aggrandisement. The hypocrisy denegrates the heroes to their loss, and is not going unnoticied. Of course we've also seen the analysis at
    http://phobiajournal.blogspot.com/2009/12/snakes-and-avarice.html .
    What IS known in advance, is that the movie celebrates vigilantes dressing up in super hero costumes and killing criminals. A fine collusion for the RLSH.
    Interesting developments may spring from this condition.
    -Lord Malignance

  4. I'm looking forward to this movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjO7kBqTFqo
